Konstruksi Ronggolawe (JKR)2024-06-28T07:55:17+07:00Hariyantoantokenginer@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">The Ronggolawe Construction Journal (JKR): Civil Engineering Journal is a scientific journal that is published regularly every six months, namely June and November. The Ronggolawe Construction Journal (JKR): The Civil Engineering Journal accepts articles from various groups whose contents include the study and application of theory, research results, interesting conceptual ideas in the fields of engineering and applied science. The editorial team will decide on the selection of articles to be published after receiving the results of the assessment from the expert editing team. Authors will be provided with input from a team of expert editors. The Ronggolawe Construction Journal (JKR): Civil Engineering Journal contains research articles or literature studies in Indonesian and English.</p> PERBANDINGAN PRODUKTIVITAS PEKERJAAN PEMASANGAN DINDING BATA MERAH DAN BATA RINGAN (HEBEL)2024-06-26T11:59:38+07:00Masta'in Masta'<p><em>With this research, it aims to find out the comparison in terms of time and cost of installing each m² of walls made of red brick and light brick.</em> <em>This research was conducted by conducting experiments.</em> <em>This research was conducted at the Blue Light Workshop, Padangan Bojonegoro.</em> <em>Experiments in this study were taken 3 times to install red brick walls and light bricks per m².</em> <em>The results of this study are comparisons in terms of time and cost of installing each m² of lightweight brick wall 0.7 faster than a pair of red brick walls (1: 1.7), for the installation cost of each m² of red brick requires a fee of IDR 52,400.00 while lightweight brick requires a fee of IDR 90,000.00. </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: red brick, lightweight brick, wall installation</em></p>2024-06-26T11:59:38+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALYSIS OF THE SUCCESSFUL FACTOR OF IMPLEMENTING OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (K3) ON THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MAINTENANCE BUILDING OF SURABAYA HOSPITAL2024-06-26T12:02:17+07:00Febriza Gema Genta Sucifebrizagemagenta@gmail.comRatna Rahayurdrcempaka@gmail.comSulistia<p><em>The role of human resources is the basic capital in determining company goals. Without the role of human resources, activities within the company will not run well. Humans always play an active and dominant role in every organizational activity, because humans become planners, actors, and determinants of the realization of organizational goals. Company goals will be achieved if employees have high performance. The success of an organization in planning and implementing strategies is supported by the performance of its employees. The method used is descriptive quantitative with respondents, namely all parties directly involved in the construction of the Surabaya RSAL Nursing Building which includes employees of PT. Wahyu Agung and PT. Karya Nugraha Nusantara. From the existing population determined by the Solvin formula used a sample of 61 personnel. Data analysis in this study used statistical methods with the help of SPSS software version 17. The factors that influence the successful implementation of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) in the construction of the Nursing Building at Surabaya Hospital are the company management role factor and the company's K3 procedure factor with the lowest value rcount ( 0.264) > rtable (0.252) as a whole these variables are declared valid. Simultaneous test results show a significant level (level of significance) of the two independent variables of 0.000. Fcount (35.177) > Ftable (2.371). The partial test value shows that the lowest value is tcount (3.137) > ttable (2.001), it can be stated that these factors simultaneously or together and partially or individually affect the zero accident variable significantly</em></p>2024-06-26T12:02:17+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## POTENSI PEMANFAATAN AIR HUJAN SEBAGAI SUMBER ALTERNATIF DI KASUS DUKUH KARANG LEGI DESA PATALAN2024-06-28T07:55:17+07:00Wahyu PrakosoWahyuprakoso662@gmail.comAndi<p><em>Utilization of rainwater is not something </em><em>new in human civilization in meeting water needs. In recent decades, as a result of scientific developments, many countries have developed rainwater utilization technology. This is done to overcome the pressure of increasing water needs as a result of climate, </em><em>environmental factors and social changes in society. </em><em>The</em><em> rainfall data available in Dukuh Karang Legi is daily rainfall data. This data can be processed into monthly rainfall data which consists of two calculation methods, namely the average method and the median value method. The average method is a method of calculating rainfall by adding up all rainfall data for a month divided by the number of days in the month. The middle value method is a calculation method that sorts the rainfall values from the smallest data to the largest rainfall data and then takes the value in the middle of the sequence. Based on this research, it is known that the population of one RW in Dukuh Karang Legi includes 272 people who have domestic needs of 27,200 lt/day (27.2 m3/day) and in one month require approximately 843,200 lt/month (843.2 m3/day). month).</em></p>2024-06-26T12:06:47+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Planning of Developing Runway (Case Study Ngloram Cepu Airport)2024-06-26T12:08:20+07:00Annisa Qurrotul Firdausiannisaqurrotulf@gmail.comBambang<p>Bandar Udara Ngloram Cepu merupakan satu-satunya bandar udara yang berada di <br>Kecamatan Cepu Kabupaten Blora. Bandar Udara Ngloram Cepu saat ini memiliki landasan <br>pacu (runway) sepanjang 1500 meter dan lebar 30 meter, dengan dimensi tersebut tentu <br>sangat mempengaruhi jenis pesawat yang akan beroperasi di Bandar Udara Ngloram Cepu <br>mengingat jumlah penumpang yang akan semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun.<br>Penyusunan Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk menghitung kebutuhan panjang landasan <br>pacu (runway) untuk operasional pesawat rencana yang akan digunakan pada 5 tahun <br>mendatang serta melakukan evaluasi terhadap kondisi landasan pacu (runway) saat ini. <br>Untuk meramalkan pergerakan pesawat terbang pada 5 tahun mendatang dilakukan dengan <br>metode analitis.<br>Dari hasil perhitungan, maka didapatkan kebutuhan panjang runway yang ideal di Bandar <br>Udara Ngloram Cepu dengan kondisi pergerakan pesawat terbang pada 5 tahun mendatang, <br>didapatkam kebutuhan panjang runway sebesar 2.602 dengan lebar minimum 45 m. <br>Kata Kunci : Runway, Panjang, Bandar Udara Ngloram Cepu.</p>2023-10-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##